
88 lines
2.9 KiB

.. title:: Changelog
.. sidebar:: Table of Contents
.. contents::
**Breaking Changes:**
* :php:namespace:`OCC\Basics\DataStructures\Traits` for datastructures renamed to
**New Features:**
* Extended API for :php:class:`OCC\Basics\DataStructures\StrictArray`
**Breaking Changes:**
* Raised minimum PHP version from 8.0 to 8.1 in order to use `new features <>`_ like
`array_is_list() <>`_ and the spread operator on string-keyed arrays
* :php:namespace:`OCC\Basics\Interfaces` traits renamed and moved to different namespace
.. code-block::
OCC\Basics\InterfaceTraits\ArrayAccess -> OCC\Basics\Interfaces\ArrayAccessTrait
OCC\Basics\InterfaceTraits\Countable -> OCC\Basics\Interfaces\CountableTrait
OCC\Basics\InterfaceTraits\IteratorAggregate -> OCC\Basics\Interfaces\IteratorAggregateTrait
OCC\Basics\InterfaceTraits\Iterator -> OCC\Basics\Interfaces\IteratorTrait
* Prefixed internal methods for :php:trait:`OCC\Basics\Traits\Getter` and :php:trait:`OCC\Basics\Traits\Setter` with
`_` to avoid confusion with regular class methods
.. code-block:: php
// old methods
function magicGet{Property}(): mixed
function magicSet{Property}(mixed $value): void
.. code-block:: php
// new methods
function _magicGet{Property}(): mixed
function _magicSet{Property}(mixed $value): void
**New Features:**
* Added new datastructure :php:class:`OCC\Basics\DataStructures\StrictCollection`
* Added new datastructure :php:class:`OCC\Basics\DataStructures\StrictArray`
* Added new error handler :php:class:`OCC\Basics\ErrorHandlers\TriggerExceptionError`
* Added new trait :php:trait:`OCC\Basics\Traits\OverloadingGetter`
* Added new trait :php:trait:`OCC\Basics\Traits\OverloadingSetter`
* Added new trait :php:trait:`OCC\Basics\Traits\TypeChecker`
* Extended API for all datastructures (see :php:trait:`OCC\Basics\DataStructures\Traits\StrictSplDatastructureTrait`)
* Introduced :php:class:`OCC\Basics\DataStructures\Exceptions\InvalidDataTypeException` for strict datastructures
* Extended `documentation <>`_
**Breaking Changes:**
* Changed the constructor's signature for all :php:namespace:`OCC\Basics\DataStructures` to improve compatibility with
the corresponding `SPL datastructures <>`_
.. code-block:: php
// old constructor signature
public function __construct(iterable $items = [], array $allowedTypes = [])
.. code-block:: php
// new constructor signature
public function __construct(array $allowedTypes = [])
**New Features:**
* Improved exception handling in :php:trait:`Singleton <OCC\Basics\Traits\Singleton>` trait
**Initial Release**